Central Park is a unique, genre bending thriller/horror film that spans one night in the worlds most famous park. Six best friends, high school students, prepare for a night of fun. School is boring, family life unbearable, and Harold and his friends have turned Central Park into their spot. Young and invincible; Harold and his crew own this city. Unbeknownst to them, a revenge-seeking executioner prepares to kill them off one by one to pay for the sins of the father.
发布时间:2024-11-24 04:13王迅陷入人性抉择扎心预警 叶伟民首任监制王亚楠饰魅惑妖精蜘姐王砚辉三部作品入围有点忙王彦霖极限救援王彦霖泡冰水挑战自我王彦霖饰阿震王彦霖饰演赵呈王彦霖头绑绷带站在救捞船上王彦霖则直言自己被拍懵了:我做了很充足的准备,那场戏我从十米高空滑过来,我是既恐惧,又生气!但是导演和我说,彦霖对不起,我没有抓到,再来一条吧!拍完这个电影后,我就有点’惜命’了!王羽曾以《手足情深》(1978)入围金马奖最佳男主角,1990年代一度淡出影坛,后来在陈可辛力邀之下复出演出《武侠》(2011)并入围金马奖最佳男配角, 2013年更以钟孟宏导演的《失魂》再度入围第50届金马影帝